It´s Your Responsibility to Cry Now
Dec 30, 2023
Waking up to how the world really operates can be quite a jarring thing. I was recently chatting to a family member of mine and she was extremely distressed with just having to play the 3D game and what this actually means.
When you start waking up and understand how rigged the system that we live in actually is, how much corruption there is, how needless the wars are, even how fixed the stock market and elections are, it can be quite distressing, disconcerting and overwhelming. I spent the best part of 2022 trying to not only wrap my head around it, but also my heart around it.
My heart because there was extreme sadness that came through me as I saw more and more of this heavy truth! Extreme sadness because it was difficult as a person who has so much love for the world to digest and to accept how crazy these systems that we live in actually are. How abusive they are and how painful it is to be here on this planet sometimes. To witness how some humans can be so cruel to another.
In 2022 I worked a lot on getting to a place of accepting that this is what this 3rd dimension is. The system is a divine display of what duality is. An incredibly fine exhibition of one side versus the other.
The reason I was reaching for acceptance was because the frequency of acceptance vibrates way higher than fear, anger, rage, shame, guilt. I also want to be very clear that acceptance does not mean that I condone the corruption, abuse and pain caused around the world. It also does not mean that we cannot change what is. Acceptance means accepting what it is at this very moment. Then I got to the understanding that it's me who creates my reality. It's me who responds to the craziness of the system. I choose how to respond.
So in this last blog for 2023, my invitation to you is to take responsibility for your crying. Why am I saying this? How could you not be moved by being witness to the abuse taking place, to yourself and others. How could you not feel pain seeing how unfair things in this system can indeed be.
By crying, we are acknowledging the pain. We are acknowledging how crazy it is. We are acknowledging how corrupt it is. When we access our pain, witness it and allow the tears to be the catalyst for moving that stuck energy, we are alchemising that pain and not keeping ourselves stuck. Stuck energy sits in our bodies in the form of anger, frustration and rage. If we don't allow these emotions to move through us, they become some sort of dis-ease or discomfort. This dis-ease or discomfort causes inflammation in the body and inflammation is the root cause of the majority of diseases we fall prey to.
I experienced a lot of frustration in 2022 just on this whole subject. My whole body tensed up with the anger, rage and frustration I felt towards the system. There were days I just wanted to leave all together, there were days where I would find myself curled up in a puddle of tears and other times I had to get massages to release the tension in the muscles from all the pent up emotions. I spent considerable money working with energy healers and doing my own work in the privacy of my own heart working to release those dense emotions because I knew I could not do it all on my own. Once that was done, I moved through those emotions and allowed new energy to come into my life.
My point is, if we don't release the frustration, if we don't release the anger, if we don't release the rage, we're going to be operating from that same frequency, and we're going to be stuck in the chaos that low vibration creates. When we're stuck in that chaos, it doesn't allow us to move to a higher vibration to attract the very support and people we need to create a higher vibrational experience. When we stay stuck in that chaos we start to manifest diseases and conditions like cancer, anxiety or depression, to name a few.
Yes, we live in a crazy-ass system. But what if we could live in this craziness in such a way that it didn't matter how crazy the system was and we found a way to get through it? There are people in this world that are living in the system and living an incredible life. They are not letting a crappy system hold them back as to what they want to create in their lives.
So for me, there's really a responsibility for you to cry now. Cry. Get all your tears out. Access the rage and the anger and allow it to move through you. Get all that lower vibrational energy out of you. You deserve to cry about all of this because it's crazy, mad and indeed sad.
Once the crying is done, allow that density to leave, making space for something new to enter.
If you need someone to help you get through this then manifest help. Call that support in. Book a clearing session with me. Go to the gym. Get a message. Go into nature and scream and shout. Take any sort of action, no matter how small, in the direction for change. No longer do we have the luxury to sit in self doubt or self pity.
It´s time to start taking responsibility for your focus. Start taking responsibility as to what it is that you want to create. It's our divine right to be living on this planet aligned with our soul's highest expression. It is not our divine right to continue to be oppressed. The moment that changes is the moment when you say, enough is enough. It's not going to stop until you say enough is enough.
So energetically, once you've cried those tears and you've let that energy go, stand up. You can actually physically do this. I've done this many times. Just physically stand up on your own two feet and say out loud, “Enough is enough”. Because the truth is, you are supported. You are loved. You are supposed to be living your soul's highest expression.
The only thing that is stopping you from experiencing that right now is your own erroneous belief systems. The moment you realize that you truly are the creator of your own reality, then you can start to adjust things. You start to take responsibility and take control of where you want things to go in your life. Everything is there for the taking. You just have to call it in, allow it, and not allow yourself to get stuck and swirl around and around in the chaos of lower vibration.
The energies are aligned in such a way that they are supporting you towards your highest vibration. So feel into these. You've got to feel your way through it and let go of those erroneous belief systems. Because as long as you continue to hold on to that belief system that the system is out to get you, then the system is going to continue to get you.
The moment we start to walk in the direction of your soul's highest expression everything you need will just come to you. This life is not a money game. This life is not a “how many things can I gather game”. This life is not “How successful can I be”.
This is a consciousness game. The more you raise your frequency and the more you raise your vibration, the less likely the corrupt system is able to continue to exist. Energy always seeks to resolve itself. This system will crumble. Make no mistake about it. But it's not going to crumble whilst you're holding your tears inside, staying in victimhood about how terrible it is.
So cry your tears, get the lower vibrations out of your body, and then get to work to creating this beautiful new world. We need you on this side. Let's go.
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